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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Eva

  1. Poor suckers really expected nintendo to sell 4 mill, lawl..
  2. Look at all these sheep that lost faith. ! Damn, january will own.
  3. Fawk, sales need to start dropping.
  4. *sigh* good ol lemshit days :shakes: Be glad, your past lemgod intelligence will save you.
  5. 4 mill or the pussy list, pick one.
  6. You finally got off the pussy list and joined the winning side.
  7. Mindwash thought he was smart and could take out 2 people while only putting himself on the line. I offered him to up the stakes to balance it out, but he didn't accept. I didn't badmouth him for it and joined the bet the moment someone wanted to make it a 2 on 2 bet. I seriously don't know what you are talking about now. Better yet, I don't see your name on the list, lawl. I'm Snakeyes, seventh on the 4 mil list Oh, why snakeyes, why? :shakes:
  8. Mindwash thought he was smart and could take out 2 people while only putting himself on the line. I offered him to up the stakes to balance it out, but he didn't accept. I didn't badmouth him for it and joined the bet the moment someone wanted to make it a 2 on 2 bet. I seriously don't know what you are talking about now. Better yet, I don't see your name on the list, lawl.
  9. I hope you enjoy your january 2007 ban.
  10. Can a mod give me this fakeboys real account name so I can add him?
  11. jehuriey is , hes playing that lawyer game on DS so he can learn tactics how to defend wii on SW
  12. Fakeboys don't buy the systems they fakeboy for.
  13. Damn, nothing but the truth stated there. Added you fuzzyfish.
  14. Are you voting? Added everyone else btw.
  15. You should be an example to the pussies that can't man up and back up their company. REAL sheep confirmed.
  16. Once you pick a side you will be considered a real man and your name will be taken off the pussy list.
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