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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. The only fighting genre that even touches Deity or alive is VF.... Which is now *best* on 3manly.

    Lemgods further dominate another genre from the cows. Cya guys at the funeral, we're oh-so-sorry cowesh. :D

    Even though I'm a lemgod I have to say that the 360 won't be dominating shit with it's dpad.. In order to dominate arcade sticks will become a must, and that is pretty shitty for people that didn't want them.

    360's Dpad > PS3's Dpad

    There's also a really good DOA4 arcade stick already out.

    I was gonna say your stupidity has been spiralling :] But it's already hit rock bottom. You're the dumbest person on the site, well done Agreed, we really don't need a fucktard like him on the forum. :shakes:

    This idiot even argues with lemmings in the lemmings lounge trying to make games look better than they are. :]

  2. "in due time"

    "around the corner"

    terms cows and sheep use when their talking about online B)B):]

    Is that another off-topic post after the little lemkid damage control gates got closed a long time ago?

    Well yes it is, lol lemkids :D

    Now they're angry that they got raped so "viciously":D ;-D

    Speaking of off topic posts, I could of sworn the majority of them in this thread were created by cows and sheep. Oh noez!

    Count them all and provide proof on this important matter. :]:D Im pretty sure that would be impossible. If he manages to do it, I'll buy him tekken and DOA.Would be a waste to buy those for him though, because it is pretty obvious he doesn't play and won't play fighters. He is just here baiting thinking about how to get more posts in this thread, while in reality it is making him look like a fool.


    I'd laugh too, but it won't change the fact that the damage is done. :D
  3. The only fighting genre that even touches Deity or alive is VF.... Which is now *best* on 3manly.

    Lemgods further dominate another genre from the cows. Cya guys at the funeral, we're oh-so-sorry cowesh. :]

    Even though I'm a lemgod I have to say that the 360 won't be dominating shit with it's dpad.. In order to dominate arcade sticks will become a must, and that is pretty shitty for people that didn't want them.

    360's Dpad > PS3's Dpad

    There's also a really good DOA4 arcade stick already out.

    Go get banned again fucking idiot. I am pro 360 now, but all the shit you are saying is fucking retarded. You are a fucking waste of bandwidth.
  4. "in due time"

    "around the corner"

    terms cows and sheep use when their talking about online B)B):]

    Is that another off-topic post after the little lemkid damage control gates got closed a long time ago?

    Well yes it is, lol lemkids B)

    Now they're angry that they got raped so "viciously":D ;-D

    Speaking of off topic posts, I could of sworn the majority of them in this thread were created by cows and sheep. Oh noez!

    Count them all and provide proof on this important matter. :]:D Im pretty sure that would be impossible. If he manages to do it, I'll buy him tekken and DOA.Would be a waste to buy those for him though, because it is pretty obvious he doesn't play and won't play fighters. He is just here baiting thinking about how to get more posts in this thread, while in reality it is making him look like a fool.
  5. See, sheep and cows can't argue with logic. They resort to creating assumptions and diverting threads in their favor. TSHBFR/TCHBFR.


    I bring forth Evidence A.

    You also brought forth a nice example of irony my friend. :D

    Sure I have. Was it due to by proving the majority that diverted the thread wrong? As you can see in the thread title, its about DoA4. Was it about tekken? No. How about VF? No. So, shush, peon.

    Wow, you are crying about the thread derailing on page number 120 +-.... wow, just wow...

    How the fuck would this make me cry? B) If anything, I'm laughing. B)

    See, sheep and cows can't argue with logic. They resort to creating assumptions and diverting threads in their favor. TSHBFR/TCHBFR.

    You should use some of that logic you like to talk about so much. :]
  6. The only fighting genre that even touches Deity or alive is VF.... Which is now *best* on 3manly.

    Lemgods further dominate another genre from the cows. Cya guys at the funeral, we're oh-so-sorry cowesh. :]

    Even though I'm a lemgod I have to say that the 360 won't be dominating shit with it's dpad.. In order to dominate arcade sticks will become a must, and that is pretty shitty for people that didn't want them.
  7. "in due time"

    "around the corner"

    terms cows and sheep use when their talking about online B):D:]

    Is that another off-topic post after the little lemkid damage control gates got closed a long time ago?

    Well yes it is, lol lemkids B)

    Now they're angry that they got raped so "viciously":D ;-D

    Speaking of off topic posts, I could of sworn the majority of them in this thread were created by cows and sheep. Oh noez!

    Count them all and provide proof on this important matter. :]
  8. See, sheep and cows can't argue with logic. They resort to creating assumptions and diverting threads in their favor. TSHBFR/TCHBFR.

    :] :]:D:D

    I bring forth Evidence A.

    You also brought forth a nice example of irony my friend. :D

    Sure I have. Was it due to by proving the majority that diverted the thread wrong? As you can see in the thread title, its about DoA4. Was it about tekken? No. How about VF? No. So, shush, peon.

    Wow, you are crying about the thread derailing on page number 120 +-.... wow, just wow...
  9. bu buh tekken has pressure sensitive controls since someone sigged a quite about a lemming saying that the ps2 pad doesn't have them, rite guyz? :]

    That is why you cows think Tekken is better. :D

    Damn. :D


    'bu bu bu more depthz withz [ressure controls''' :D

    Please stop. B)

    Cry more. :D:D:D

    Dude, you are embarrassing yourself. B)

    Quite ironic coming from a man acting like a woman on teh internets and defending a floaty combo game. :(:D:D

    Ok, you got me there, I really believed Tekken was deep thanks to the pressure sensitive buttons that make the combo's really hard to learn thus making it come off as a hardcore fighting game. B)

    It's about time you surrendered. B)

    Lawl, sad. :]

    I'm never owned child, you should of learned that by now. B)

    True, you self own yourself before others even get a shot. B) You really don't know what you are saying in this thread. You would have gotten ridiculed on a tekken forum after that button sensitivity fairy tale.
  10. bu buh tekken has pressure sensitive controls since someone sigged a quite about a lemming saying that the ps2 pad doesn't have them, rite guyz? :]

    That is why you cows think Tekken is better. :D

    Damn. :D


    'bu bu bu more depthz withz [ressure controls''' :D

    Please stop. B)

    Cry more. :D:D:D

    Dude, you are embarrassing yourself. B)

    Quite ironic coming from a man acting like a woman on teh internets and defending a floaty combo game. :(:D:D

    Ok, you got me there, I really believed Tekken was deep thanks to the pressure sensitive buttons that make the combo's really hard to learn thus making it come off as a hardcore fighting game. B)

    It's about time you surrendered. B)

    Lawl, sad. :]
  11. bu buh tekken has pressure sensitive controls since someone sigged a quite about a lemming saying that the ps2 pad doesn't have them, rite guyz? :]

    That is why you cows think Tekken is better. B)

    Damn. :]


    'bu bu bu more depthz withz [ressure controls''' :D

    Please stop. :D

    Cry more. :D:D:D

    Dude, you are embarrassing yourself. B)

    Quite ironic coming from a man acting like a woman on teh internets and defending a floaty combo game. :D:D:D

    Ok, you got me there, I really believed Tekken was deep thanks to the pressure sensitive buttons that make the combo's really hard to learn thus making it come off as a hardcore fighting game. :(
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