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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. Eva, you are offically a cow again. Your days of being a lemGod are over. :-*

    Lawl, I'm one of the lemming masters now, I decide who is a lemgod and who isn't. :puke:

    lol no, your name isnt even green. :D

    Damage control. :D

    Yes, you should stop resorting to it. :D

    Silence before I take away your lemgod citizenship. B) Kings cannot be dethroned by peasants. B)I know, that's why I'm taking away your lemgod citizenship. B) If you're King then I am God. I dethrone all. B):-*:-*
  2. Eva, you are offically a cow again. Your days of being a lemGod are over. :-*

    Lawl, I'm one of the lemming masters now, I decide who is a lemgod and who isn't. :-*

    lol no, your name isnt even green. :puke:

    Damage control. :D

    Yes, you should stop resorting to it. :D

    Silence before I take away your lemgod citizenship. :D Kings cannot be dethroned by peasants. B)I know, that's why I'm taking away your lemgod citizenship. B)
  3. Eva, you are offically a cow again. Your days of being a lemGod are over. :-*

    he's sheep :-*

    him and Bhryte are going to have their little pitch tent party.

    I'm glad that in the end you finally admit that MK is the worst 2D and 3D fighter ever. :D quote me where I done that. :puke: But if it will make you sleep better, I let you off believing that Eva.

    But you can't change history that shows MK greatly overshadowing SF. :D

    Red pixels rape an actual fighting system. :D
  4. MK when released was just a sensation fighter.

    Little dumb kiddies were impressed because they saw so much blood for the first time in a game and they could make finishing moves when they won.

    The gameplay was just as simple as it could get, no fucking ballance.

    Characters have the same moves, only the specials are different. Matches consist of spamming the same shitty moves the whole time, punch, sweeps and the oh so devastating uppercut :wonder:

    Fucking crap, kids played that garbage just to look cool at the time. People that still defend it are those very same kids that were in awe by all that "cool" shit, never caring about the craptastic gameplay.

    And lemmings play DOA not because it's cool but because they're little uneducated dumb kids that rarely played any other fighters :D

    Oh.Shit. This has exactly described how it is and there is no denying it. Quoted for the fucking truth. :lol:Lemkids can only bite their pillow now and come back with some weak damage control because the truth has been spoken B)bu buh you couldn't buy it because you were young and i could because i was cool!!1 :wonder:
  5. MK when released was just a sensation fighter.

    Little dumb kiddies were impressed because they saw so much blood for the first time in a game and they could make finishing moves when they won.

    The gameplay was just as simple as it could get, no fucking ballance.

    Characters have the same moves, only the specials are different. Matches consist of spamming the same shitty moves the whole time, punch, sweeps and the oh so devastating uppercut :wonder:

    Fucking crap, kids played that garbage just to look cool at the time. People that still defend it are those very same kids that were in awe by all that "cool" shit, never caring about the craptastic gameplay.

    And lemmings play DOA not because it's cool but because they're little uneducated dumb kids that rarely played any other fighters :wonder:

    You just hate MK because you couldn't be one of the cool kids after Nintendo took out MK's blood. :lol:

    There was in MK2 yet it didn't change the fact that the serie sucked major ass from a straw B)

    listen to this crazy sheep's perspective, what's the matter sheepie, did the MA-17 rating keep you from getting this game back in the day. :D

    This only confirms that MK players thought they were cool just for having a game with alot of red pixels. B)
  6. Capcom: Hey guys, we obviously arn't good enough to make another fighter so let's just make spin-offs of Street Fighter 2.

    Street Fighter 3 disagrees. B)

    I kinda like Alpha 3 :D

    Real fans of the genre play MvsC2 though. B):lol:

    3rd Strike and Guilty Gear is what real 2D fans play. B)

    Alpha 3 is good for casuals. B)



    Owned? Yes. B)

    Don't think I forget about you hyping the PSP port either. :wonder:

    Reviewers are casuals when it comes to fighters so you only proved my point. B)

    Jeff Gertstmann is as hardcore as they come, he once had a 100 attack combo with Cable. B)


    Seriously though, just watch one of those EVO match video's they have uploaded there and you will see why third strike rapes Alpha. B)

    I'm just fakeboying. B)

    Alpha 3 is the only SF I've played since the SNES and MK is so laughable. B)


    Everyone here will buy Street Fighter 4 once it comes out. B)

  7. MK when released was just a sensation fighter.

    Little dumb kiddies were impressed because they saw so much blood for the first time in a game and they could make finishing moves when they won.

    The gameplay was just as simple as it could get, no fucking ballance.

    Characters have the same moves, only the specials are different. Matches consist of spamming the same shitty moves the whole time, punch, sweeps and the oh so devastating uppercut :wonder:

    Fucking crap, kids played that garbage just to look cool at the time. People that still defend it are those very same kids that were in awe by all that "cool" shit, never caring about the craptastic gameplay.

    And lemmings play DOA not because it's cool but because they're little uneducated dumb kids that rarely played any other fighters :wonder:

    Oh.Shit. This has exactly described how it is and there is no denying it. Quoted for the fucking truth. :D
  8. Capcom: Hey guys, we obviously arn't good enough to make another fighter so let's just make spin-offs of Street Fighter 2.

    Street Fighter 3 disagrees. B)

    I kinda like Alpha 3 :wonder:

    Real fans of the genre play MvsC2 though. B):D

    3rd Strike and Guilty Gear is what real 2D fans play. B)

    Alpha 3 is good for casuals. B)



    Owned? Yes. B)

    Don't think I forget about you hyping the PSP port either. :wonder:

    Reviewers are casuals when it comes to fighters so you only proved my point. B)

    Jeff Gertstmann is as hardcore as they come, he once had a 100 attack combo with Cable. B)


    Seriously though, just watch one of those EVO match video's they have uploaded there and you will see why third strike rapes Alpha. B)

  9. Capcom: Hey guys, we obviously arn't good enough to make another fighter so let's just make spin-offs of Street Fighter 2.

    Street Fighter 3 disagrees. B)

    I kinda like Alpha 3 :wonder:

    Real fans of the genre play MvsC2 though. B):D

    3rd Strike and Guilty Gear is what real 2D fans play. B)

    Alpha 3 is good for casuals. B)



    Owned? Yes. B)

    Don't think I forget about you hyping the PSP port either. :wonder:

    Reviewers are casuals when it comes to fighters so you only proved my point. B)

    Haha, Alpha 3 is good, but 3rd strike is better. :lol:

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