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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. I seriously don't know why you are talking scores and years when SF has always been better than MK. :wonder:

    it doesn't matter, MK ruled over SF. :wonder:

    I don't mind if you enjoy inferior fighters. :D

    I try to like all popular fighters, there's some love in there for SF, but when you try to trash MK like it was nothing, I have the urge to defend it. :lol:

    It's ok, every company that isn't capable of making good games needs fools to support them. B)
  2. Rofl this thread is still going strong i see :wonder:

    The dogs couldn't protect the lemkids' bad taste in fighters :D

    only a certain few lemmings here like DOA

    Loving mortal kombat right now is even worse than loving doa. :wonder: unlike you Eva I don't cling to just one fighter, I like MK, I like Tekken, I like VF, I like EC, I like KI. Get my drift. :lol:I tend to like the best. SF 3rd Strike for 2D and Tekken 5 for 3D B)

    those are the best in your opinion,

    Yeah, it's just a coincidence that most of the world agrees. B)
  3. Rofl this thread is still going strong i see :D

    The dogs couldn't protect the lemkids' bad taste in fighters :lol:

    only a certain few lemmings here like DOA

    Loving mortal kombat right now is even worse than loving doa. :wonder: unlike you Eva I don't cling to just one fighter, I like MK, I like Tekken, I like VF, I like EC, I like KI. Get my drift. B)I tend to like the best. SF 3rd Strike for 2D and Tekken 5 for 3D B)Mortal Kombat and DOA for quick laughs B)Haha, agreed. :wonder:
  4. Rofl this thread is still going strong i see :wonder:

    The dogs couldn't protect the lemkids' bad taste in fighters :D

    only a certain few lemmings here like DOA

    Loving mortal kombat right now is even worse than loving doa. :wonder: unlike you Eva I don't cling to just one fighter, I like MK, I like Tekken, I like VF, I like EC, I like KI. Get my drift. :lol:I tend to like the best. SF 3rd Strike for 2D and Tekken 5 for 3D B)
  5. Posted Image

    The haters have been totally raped, we lemkids prove again that DOA4 is the best fighter ever and hand tons of depth, just look at the graphics B)

    Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. :D

    He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. B)

    Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. B)

    Zitagaki :D Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. :D:D;)
  6. I almost forgot that 2 franchises got raped here, lmfao Mortal Kombat :D :D :D

    Funny how these 2 shitty franchises attract each other every time B)

    go back to page 31 and 32. B) Raped denied, and lets see you damage control that. Come on.

    MK outscored Tekken 4

    MK outscored SF

    Hard to believe you are still trying but you are a Sega fan after all B) B) B) B) :D trying. :( you just can't debate me can you B)the debate ended a long time ago, the remaining corpses are just getting raped over and over now ;)

    You are one of them :D

    hiahiahiahiahiahiahiasweepsweepsweepsweepuppercutflawlessvictory :(

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