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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Eva

  1. go back to page 31 and 32. Raped denied, and lets see you damage control that. Come on. MK outscored Tekken 4 MK outscored SF Hard to believe you are still trying but you are a Sega fan after all B) B) trying. you just can't debate me can you the debate ended a long time ago, the remaining corpses are just getting raped over and over now You are one of them hiahiahiahiahiahiahiasweepsweepsweepsweepuppercutflawlessvictory :D:D:D:D
  2. Shail said it best Don't tell me you are using no-penis here as back up. !!!! He is just sad he got annihilated with those indian short penis threads.
  3. Lawl, nobody is posting in devo's other thread. :D:D I hope he realizes now that this thread was shit and we just came in to annihilate DoA. He thinks it was some kind of godly tekken flamebait.
  4. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. LAWL, Devo ran away from this thread and created another one. He thinks he found out some golden recipe for potent flamebait, but he doesn't realise this thread is still here because of the lemming rape.
  5. Mortal Kombat:D:D:D:D I don't understand how people can even mention that game in a fighter thread. :shakes:
  6. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. LAWL, Devo ran away from this thread and created another one. He thinks he found out some golden recipe for potent flamebait, but he doesn't realise this thread is still here because of the lemming rape. T
  7. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. What are you saying fool, you're totally wrong He chose the xbox because only there could he create powerfull game mechanics and very complex A.I. for this fighter, not because he's afraid of competition :shakes: The graphics are just secondary focus. You haters need to get your
  8. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. LAWL, Devo ran away from this thread and created another one. He thinks he found out some golden recipe for potent flamebait, but he doesn't realise this thread is still here because of the lemming rape. T
  9. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself.
  10. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2.
  11. a sheep hiding behind a playstation game , desperation at its finest Doesn't change the fact that DoA4 sucks. It owns no
  12. a sheep hiding behind a playstation game , desperation at its finest Doesn't change the fact that DoA4 sucks.
  13. You lemmings don't even know what you are talking about.. I'm starting to notice a trend.. DoA lovers are nothing more than noobs that once got DoA from their mothers or something and love that game, because it is the only fighter they have ever played, pathetic.
  14. I hope so I really hope so too. :shakes: I have seen pretty dumb shit get mentioned in this thread.
  15. They think graphics make fighters. Lemkids these days :shakes: If they're going to be a lemmon or at least act like one they should act more like you you can't really blame them, most of them(excluding eva) have started gaming on xbrick Some people have truly shown how pathetic they are in this thread. :shakes:
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