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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. That was boring as hell.

    Alright slappy, if you wan't to play the retarded fankid fine by me.

    I'm serious. I like Tekken. I just happen to like the newer DOAs (DOAU, DOA4) more. But that was one of the most boring matches of Tekken I have ever seen. It was the same punch with a few rising kicks here and there.

    lol I'm not asking you to critique the entertainment value of the fight, that's DOA's redeeming value the fights look cinematic.

    Too bad they aren't nearly as cerebral as that video.

    I can tell when people don't play DOA with comments like that, or at least playing with anyone decent.

    Each character in DOA4 has 60-100 moves. You could play DOA for months like I did and still see some amazing new moves that will make you say wow. Add on top of that the much better countering system in which you have to predict at what level they're going to hit you (high, mid, low, punch or kick) and how little time they actually give you to do them. Then if you factor in tag battles, that throws a whole other mess of strategies you have to learn, especially when there's a big difference of when you're tagging alone or with another person.

    I completely forgot about grabs and tag grabs which are great against counter/block whores. They're harder to do, and easier to counter, but they do much more damage.

    HAHAHA! This post cracked me up.. I'm glad you enjoy your kindergarden fighter like a true newb would.
  2. Cows prefer sluggish, boring "touch sensetive" action over fast paced, fluid action with mid level depth.... Such horrible taste in games :D:shakes:

    Seems every section of the gaming media agrees too. Which is the reason why Tekken has ALWAYS outscored DOA. You guys act as if Tekken is some impossibly technical fighter. Tekken can be played by novices and it then has a learning curb and huge amount of depth to seperate the novice from the experienced. With DOA you have your novice player who can beat the experienced with a P, P, P, P, P combo and the more complex attacks show no difference. It is completely unbalanced in its depth and its attack pacing.

    That's why Tekken > DOA.

    You press punch that many times and you're going to get countered by the second one, which is going to take much more damage from the other people than that button ever would have.

    People who talk shit about DOA show every time how they have absolutely no experience with it.

    Yeah, you have to mix up the button mashing with ups and downs, what a shit game.
  3. Cows prefer sluggish, boring "touch sensetive" action over fast paced, fluid action with mid level depth.... Such horrible taste in games :D:shakes:

    You lemmings don't even know what you are talking about.. I'm starting to notice a trend.. DoA lovers are nothing more than noobs that once got DoA from their mothers or something and love that game, because it is the only fighter they have ever played, pathetic.
  4. Hmmm. Tekken can have all the technical crap it forces on the player to make it "teh hardcore" like TEH PRESSURE SENSETIVE BUTTONS. WE WILL MAKE YOU PUSH THIS BUTTON DOWN BUT MAYBE KIND OF HOLD THIS OTHER ONE!

    As a FIGHTING game, DOA's FIGHTS look and play a hell of a lot more interesting. Sorry, but sockem rockem robots, who almost look like they're just doing one action at a time - despite all the "deep" crap that goes behind it - just aren't all that entertaining to me.

    As far as button mashing and stage damage, it doesn't take a genius to realize Tekken falls victim to this too. Look at the tourneys Eva posted - the opponent literally loses almost all his life if he gets caught on a wall. Button mashing? I have VERY little experience in Tekken, but I can tell you I've button mashed my way into win streaks against people who have played it for years.

    It's a fighting game. If you enjoy fluid, fast and fun to watch and play fights, DOA is the choice people who aren't trying to have a cock-war over who's fighter is more complicated will choose.

    *But I forgot how pretty DoA's fights were. Someone post more videos. :D I never realized how much more real the fights look in DoA compared to Tekken.

    It's sad that cows think because of "pressure," or "timing" buttons make the game awesome. :D

    :D both of you :]:|:D
  5. tekken trailer from 05 was real time

    I forgot what the article said but it was in the last issue of a magazine i got whos name i forget :happysad:

    Yeah, Tekken 6 will look worse than Tekken 5 DR in the arcades and on the PS3. B):happysad:

    I read that the trailer put alot of work on just the model and all the effects on him like the sweat and whatnot. They said they have to tone it down a bit to render another character and the enviorments and whatnot. But nothing like the 06 trailer B)

    Tekken 6 will look great, bookmark it. :king: It'll play great too :D

    Lets hope it has online or the ghost thing so I can kick your ass over teh interweb B)

    Take note, I play with hori arcade sticks B)

    That would be awesome. B):D
  6. tekken trailer from 05 was real time

    I forgot what the article said but it was in the last issue of a magazine i got whos name i forget :happysad:

    Yeah, Tekken 6 will look worse than Tekken 5 DR in the arcades and on the PS3. :D:happysad:

    I read that the trailer put alot of work on just the model and all the effects on him like the sweat and whatnot. They said they have to tone it down a bit to render another character and the enviorments and whatnot. But nothing like the 06 trailer :D

    Tekken 6 will look great, bookmark it. :king:
  7. Remember when cows bashed the game for looking like crap comparing it to "the real time" Tekken from 05....ahh sweet cow rapage once the real Tekken screens came out in 06 :king::D:D

    DOA gets bashed for a shit load of other things :happysad:I personally hate the game. Tekken is much better gameplay wise, still, LMFAO AT COWS THINKING CGI TEKKEN WAS REAL :D:D:DEveryone knew it was fake though. :happysad: Also the 06 trailer of tekken 6 isn't gameplay either and the movies won't look like that either. It was just a rushed trailer for E3. Even Tekken 5 looks better for crying out loud. :D
  8. hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

    Yeah, it owns hard. :D I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


    I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. B) and it will barely use them


    Really? :king:i said to myself ...what a good ideea with ghosts..but are not accurate

    take for example Gran Turismo when you record a ghost , now those ghosts are 100% accurate


    Yeah, ofcourse it won't really represent how you play, but is it really imposasible to make a good ghost though? .| some are very good

    i downloaded few of other players and were damn good

    go to

    www.tekkenzaibatsu.com and you can download and upload yours if you want

    Ah yeah, saw that new service of theirs yesterday, but haven't looked into it though..

    Guess I'll check it out, but if it takes long to make a good ghost I won't bother.

  9. hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

    Yeah, it owns hard. :D I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


    I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. B) and it will barely use them


    Really? :king:i said to myself ...what a good ideea with ghosts..but are not accurate

    take for example Gran Turismo when you record a ghost , now those ghosts are 100% accurate


    Yeah, ofcourse it won't really represent how you play, but is it really imposasible to make a good ghost though? .|
  10. sweep,sweep,sweep,sweep,uppercut, missed uppercut, punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch sweep :happysad::king::D

    MK gameplay :DB) B) B) B) B) B) B):D :D :D

    :D:D:D:D The punches. :D!!!


    :D :D :D :D :D

    Bu but teh Liu Kang bycicle kick chawalalooitewailakadee!11 :happysad:

    hold LK for 5 seconds:DMost tactical move ever. :D

    godly fighter :D

    you laugh but had you been a gamer back in those days, I bet you be playing it.

    Lawl, I liked it for the blood and fatalities the first time I played it, but the game was shit compared to Street Fighter II.

    that's what made it better than SFII B)

    this is why we laugh:D It was a trap. B)
  11. sweep,sweep,sweep,sweep,uppercut, missed uppercut, punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch sweep :happysad::king::D

    MK gameplay :DB) B) B) B) B) B) B):D :D :D

    :D:D:D:D The punches. :D!!!


    :D :D :D :D :D

    Bu but teh Liu Kang bycicle kick chawalalooitewailakadee!11 :happysad:

    hold LK for 5 seconds:DMost tactical move ever. :D

    godly fighter :D

    you laugh but had you been a gamer back in those days, I bet you be playing it.

    Lawl, I liked it for the blood and fatalities the first time I played it, but the game was shit compared to Street Fighter II.

    that's what made it better than SFII B)

    Lawl, no right to speak about fighters anymore confirmed. B)
  12. sweep,sweep,sweep,sweep,uppercut, missed uppercut, punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch sweep :happysad::king::D

    MK gameplay :DB) B) B) B) B) B) B):D :D :D

    :D:D:D:D The punches. :D!!!


    :D :D :D :D :D

    Bu but teh Liu Kang bycicle kick chawalalooitewailakadee!11 :happysad:

    hold LK for 5 seconds:DMost tactical move ever. :D

    godly fighter :D

    you laugh but had you been a gamer back in those days, I bet you be playing it.

    Rofl still thinking that you're dealing with youngsters here, they already left when their very own thread got sodomised B)Now this I'll quote for the truth. B)
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