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Robert Lutece

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Robert Lutece

  1. I wish there was some magical way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. I think it runs in my family or some shit, because I look like a raccoon regardless of how much sleep I get
  2. I think I'm already in the photoalbum with a pic I posted a month or two ago :] thanks though I'm not sure how much weight I've lost at this point, not even sure when I lasted weighed myself. But I had gone from like 235-250 to 180 with no exercise. I'm exercising now (basketball, elliptical, rowing machine) and drinking mostly water and assorted varieties of green tea and coffee. Still gotta work on the diet though, I still eat a lot of fast food and go on fridge raids when I'm stoned
  3. lol nah, every time pot is mention SK comes and spams about how he orders weed online :]
  4. LIAR! Ordering weed online for him is like calling his uncle in Pakistan to send him a bunch of opium poppies. lol the fuck is this terrorist talking about
  5. I'm at about two months of not smoking cigarettes. I tried one the other day and it was terrible, so I guess I'm in the clear
  6. Concerned? I don't think anyone here cares what your Naruto ass does for kicks on the weekends. Concerned, lmfao gtfo
  7. Its been over a month since I quit smoking cigarettes. lol @ people who can't do it, even with patches and all that bullshit
  8. Xanax is awesome in moderation. Last summer I was literally on it all day every day. Used to take like .5mg two-three times a day....did that for like 2 or 3 months. The withdrawal was shitty but doable. Adderall isn't even comparable. Xanax slows you down, relaxes you, makes you more careless. Adderall turns you into a machine
  9. Snowman would make a better mod than Mala, that's sure sure. Nobody even wants Mala here lol
  10. No one even wants you here. Xelle does. shoulda booked a flight to her town instead of Cellan's then
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