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Robert Lutece

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Robert Lutece

  1. Start exercising, it does wonders for the stress, in a lot of ways the same way that tobacco and substances would.Hell yeah, I've been realizing that a lot lately. I feel like a boss after a bunch of crunches or a couple hours of playing ball. Gotta get my strength up...for somebody who's six feet tall I should be a lot stronger
  2. I quit cigarettes cold turkey 13 days ago...gonna be two weeks tomorrow I've been more irritable lately, which is a given, but my stamina has increased significantly. Hopefully it continues to get better All I really do now is smoke herb, I cut xanax (easier said than done) and haven't messed with any hallucinogens in awhile. Trying to stay relatively clean
  3. You think htats a waste? Coke here is 300/g $300 a gram? ....
  4. lmfao Malakius should smoke a joint once in awhile, might stop him from booking flights to female SW users' towns
  5. I don't have bad trips. I said the same thing man Took a full eighth a couple times and was fine....took a sixteenth my most recent time and bugged the fuck out
  6. oh and salvia is quite possibly the most retarded shit out there besides that incense shit kids are smoking
  7. I quit cigarettes cold turkey a week ago. All I do right now is smoke weed. Over the summer I smoked buds and took xanax, so I don't remember much of it Tried acid and shrooms a few times each. Acid was hilariously fun, makes you feel like a little kid again shrooms are interesting, but I had a bad trip last time so those are on hiatus for me.
  8. pot and the occasional hallucinogenic are all you need. (good thing MDMA is half-hallucinogenic )
  9. Your argument supports non-tolerance lol. Heroin or cocaine, drugs that create actual tolerance, you'll have to do more and more, regardless of if you take a break. Weed doesn't create tolerance based on the definition of what drug tolerance is. Yes you can get used to the effects of weed, yes you'll get higher if you take a break, but you could smoke for 50 years and still get high off .5. This will never happen with real drugs that create tolerance, even booze. think of it like masterbation. It will feel better if you take time off Shit you're right :] :|Dif only I could put
  10. I used to get stoned as hell and read Brian Greene/Michio Kaku novels
  11. Your argument supports non-tolerance lol. Heroin or cocaine, drugs that create actual tolerance, you'll have to do more and more, regardless of if you take a break. Weed doesn't create tolerance based on the definition of what drug tolerance is. Yes you can get used to the effects of weed, yes you'll get higher if you take a break, but you could smoke for 50 years and still get high off .5. This will never happen with real drugs that create tolerance, even booze. think of it like masterbation. It will feel better if you take time off Shit you're right :] :|D
  12. "weed doesn't build tolerance" my ass I smoked like an 8th or more a day with people back when I was selling and I could go to class, go to work, pretty much do anything high. I stopped for a month, smoked the tiniest bit, and I was wrecked. Like on some first time ever shit
  13. How often do you guys smoke? I stopped for a month and started up again and driving stoned took some getting used to, but it wasn't like HURR DURR RED LIGHT MEANS GO...:]
  14. its hard to drive when you can't distinguish between your foot and the gas pedal :] I thought we were talking about smoking pot, not PCP
  15. You guys kidding me? Driving stoned is easy as hell Playing games is hit or miss. In BC2 I'll either get mauled or I'll get some THC-infused adrenaline rush and go like 23-3 like its Call of Duty
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