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Everything posted by PuNKy_LeMmInG

  1. might have to turn on the ps3 to play the series before cmos happens
  2. nice..never played it..the movie was painful to watch lol
  3. indeed..even ps3 ratchet games look incredible
  4. Oscars 2021: Academy Awards ratings plummet to all-time low (cnbc.com) 🙂 they did some analysis and once celebs came on and started virtue signalling and talking politics people were leaving.. people just want entertainment to get away from the force politics
  5. wow 😕 i got my money back as credit
  6. sounds good mate 🙂 keep going , 7lb is alot of muscle tissue
  7. ive never seen its past maybe 1 series and watched some films
  8. p90x3 sounds interesting, well its easily done to lose it all, but once you had it you can get it back mate.
  9. good stuff slow and steady wins the race 🙂
  10. thats a good setup mate 🙂 180lb is good still...i have to admit not too bothered about going as heavy as can may if i was under 30 years old.. just takes too much of a toll, rather just hit the bag learn some mma and train for conditioning 🙂 bands are pretty good, for rehab..i didnt have a bof enough area to train with them before..
  11. Hows gym going since post lockdown? been two weeks since lockdown lost 40% strength and could only do 10 mins on the bag kickboxing...its a slow road but getting there lol
  12. i didnt find out till today..it was 9th..but his funeral was today
  13. what a horrible day today
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