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lostfool last won the day on March 11 2021

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About lostfool

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    The Grand Master

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    With my balls

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  1. So that means you are able to reason.
  2. Hopefully the third season is picked up by Netflix. It's a decent show. Fuck you bitch ass haters
  3. Her ruling was nonsense and subverted established special counsel rules. Cannon's decision will be reversed on appeal. The 11th circuit of appeals will get the appeal and the judge that will handle it is a Bush appointee that has already overruled two previous orders pertaining to this case by Cannon. Cannon will probably also face discipline because she obviously has been delaying this case and made this ruling for Trump. If you read her ruling she quotes Clearance Thomas's Federalist views on why he believes a special counsel is not constitutional. But there is established Congressional
  4. Even Republicans hate Trump. Hopefully the next person doesn't miss
  5. I wonder what Republitards are going to say now that the shooter has been identified and is a Republican 🤔
  6. Too bad they missed. The U.S. is fucked now. Faux News and all other crazy right-wing news is going to go crazy now.
  7. "Neither Clinton, nor Trump, nor Branson was accused by Giuffre, or anyone else besides Ransome, of any wrongdoing in the course of Giuffre's defamation lawsuit against Maxwell. Clinton has denied any knowledge of Epstein's crimes. Trump has said he cut off contact with Epstein many years ago." "Ransome subsequently told the New York Post reporter, who did not publish any story related to the allegations, that she wanted to "retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this," according to an unsealed message from October 2016." "In 2019, The New Yorker repor
  8. Nintendo should buy Ninja Theory and give them the home they deserve.
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