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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Seriously dude, pull the tampon out.
  2. I farted three time while listening to that
  3. No it doesn't. Looks pretty good.
  4. I see a lot of of inferior version of games that were on the God Tier SNES. So pass
  5. Well of course. If he was white they would have negotiated with him, bought him some lunch, and given him a hand job.
  6. Well in the U.S. only when it affects their wallet.
  7. They updated it to 12 after I posted what I said idiot. And nice on deflecting to arguing about semantics.
  8. I guess nobody fucking cares that 11 people died. Fucking shit ass country the U.S. is. I hope a meteor hits us.
  9. Thoughts and prayers https://m.sfgate.com/news/crime/article/Virginia-Beach-police-say-multiple-people-hurt-in-13914042.php
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