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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Expecting and proclaiming anre two different things. You proclaimed as a fact that it is on all other platforms with no information that backs up your proclamation.
  2. I am glad they are returning to the BOTW world. I literally put 300 hours into it. It was amazing
  3. They are going to go into detail about Pokemon's hair animation and Fire Emblem's costumes.
  4. Gears of Shit has always been shit
  5. You will wait forever then. Not a single thing dynoshit has ever said has been true
  6. Not a single thing panned out. You ass raped yourself. X marks the flop
  7. Seriously dude, pull the tampon out.
  8. I farted three time while listening to that
  9. No it doesn't. Looks pretty good.
  10. I see a lot of of inferior version of games that were on the God Tier SNES. So pass
  11. Well of course. If he was white they would have negotiated with him, bought him some lunch, and given him a hand job.
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