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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Artificial sweeteners are not completely fine. You have the same insulin response as sugar. The only difference is the calories
  2. https://m.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/The-Russians-are-screwing-with-the-GPS-system-to-13766228.php
  3. Is everyone involved ok? Is this property damage or injury or both?
  4. Maybe you should watch it again. There were a lot of hints. But seriously only people who are scared of those that are different get bent out of shape over it
  5. That's Deenoshit hiding because he is ashamed of the failure of the Xshit
  6. The Wachowskis are Transgendered you fucking idiot and if I remember correctly they were going to be opposite genders in the Matrix and out. That didn't happen because people are stupid like Cooke and you.
  7. The last 3 lemtards are fucking stupid. Just die already you virgin losers
  8. I like hot shit from a hot chick on my chest
  9. So it's shit. The opposite is true of everything you say
  10. I sold all of my guns. They are boring. Idk why ammosexuals love them so much. Must be a small penis thing.
  11. I've been using my Android smilies forever. You are an idiot 🙄
  12. Worst TC, worst thread, Xbox is shit, die in a ditch
  13. There is no God and if there was I would slay him.
  14. Depends on what time of day it is. Right before I fall asleep its 50-55, first thing in the morning it's the same. If I am relaxing on the couch around 6pm it's 60-65.
  15. There is nothing wrong with a rich white person fighting for equality, just like there is nothing wrong with a rich black guy fighting for poor minorities. I recommend you eat a bag of rotting dicks. Regards
  16. Awwww Brie hurt your fragile masculinity. Pussy
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