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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Awwww Brie hurt your fragile masculinity. Pussy
  2. I am fucking normal too. Dick
  3. What are these substances? I take CBD, B12, Vit D3
  4. He is literally always on the verge of an overdose
  5. Lmao. I do not know a single person that uses a Blackberry. Well You and Barack Obama. Only one of you two is cool and you are not sooooo
  6. LGs already have 15ms. My old ass plasma LG has an input lag of 17ms and my current LG has 15ms. No reason to get all excited about 13ms, anything bellow 25ms is fantastic.
  7. The only drugs you have ever done is when your mom rubbed Vick's vapor rub on your chest.
  8. Don't forget your white hood and sheets
  9. Looks like Deeno. Fat and stupid
  10. Well at the AIDS stage the viral load will also be much higher and there is a better chance of transmitting the disease
  11. Neckbeards don't leave the house so they don't have a portable gaming system. The clunker system versions are for neckbeards like yourself
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