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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. The music is awful. I hope not all the levels have this awful music. The composer should be banned from being involved in sound design on games
  2. lostfool

    Deep Down

    Wow Jenny is desperate
  3. I am still playing Street Fighter 2 twenty seven years after it came out.
  4. Blah blah blah didn't read but I know your opinion is wrong.
  5. You just don't understand the answers you get to your questions. Maybe try not to be on drugs once in a while.
  6. LMAO. Looks like legos. Seriously. It actually looks good.
  7. All open world games have "missions" that you have to do precisely as it says or the mission fails. GTA is like that too. That is not on rails. Derp
  8. Remember when game were complete on day 1? Xbox killed gaming except on Switch. Switch exclusives are complete
  9. Omg what happened to the cool building destructions lemtards were hyping???
  10. PS4 is using sampled instruments. Think of like the great sounding SNES games that used sample instruments.
  11. Fuck your midi bullshit on PS4 and Shitbox one
  12. Version to have fully orchestrated battle and field music. Definitive version confirmed!!!!!
  13. Awesome. Those help getting a bulging disk back into place. I will do them.
  14. My Wii had the same issue if it was plugged into a power strip. So I plugged it in to the wall and it fixed the problem.
  15. To find Jonb you just have to look at the police blotter for drug arrests
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