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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Xbox is a failure and you mad. Also an 8-1 attachment ratio is fucking amazing
  2. You complain about everything. The more streaming services the better.
  3. "Nobody wants Nintendo hardware". Dynoshit. So what does that make Xbox one being in third and having no games?
  4. My Switch is for Nintendo and 3rd party Exclusives. Xbox has nothing. There is literally no reason to own an Xbox. I have one just to play the occasional 3rd party game that I want to play that is not on Switch. I could easily own a PS4 and get a superior experience because of Sony's exclusives. I literally only own an Xbox one simply because I hate the dualshock. That is it. Xbox is worthless.
  5. I can play all of those on PS4 and PC. Again Xbox is irrelevant
  6. No, and it has no games. Shibox nogames 2. Trashbox 4k
  7. I was just talking about this with my oldest son. Endless Ocean was a beautiful game and relaxing to play. It will look stunning on the Switch
  8. lostfool


    Obviously too hard for you
  9. I already mentioned this months ago and you cucks made fun of me. So fuck you
  10. First time ever that you are probably right
  11. Shit game, shit dev, shit shit shit. Glad they are suffering. Losers
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