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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. lostfool


    "I CALLED PLAYSTATION". When I have isues with my Switch I call my Switch. JonB needs to have his posts vetted before they can be posted.
  2. It was a rhetorical question you dumbo
  3. Who fishes for birthday wishes?
  4. Because you like to get high. CBD is not about getting high. Also not all CBD is the same. I get nano full spectrum CBD which is 10 times stronger than regular CBD because it is full spectrum canabodiol as opposed to an isolate.
  5. I don't give a fuck what you think (you are a moron). I've also have had insomnia for over 20 years. I no longer have insomnia. That's no a placebo effect.
  6. Um yes it does work for anxiety. It is what I use it for. It also works like a serotonin re-uptake inhibitors because it helps cannabanoids in your body work more efficiently so your cells don't reabsorb serotonin too quickly. I got off xanax using cbd.
  7. And runs RDR2 at 1080p 30fps. Base Xbox one runs it at 864p 20fps
  8. It's different when it is on a portable machine. And for the record I don't use my Switch on the toilet. I don't want to get shit on it. That is also why my Switch is far away from my Xbox.
  9. If that is true you are an idiot. Who games while in the bathroom? Oh yeah an idiot
  10. I know you don't like facts but it's a fact. Shitbox sucks
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