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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. I think there is a frame pacing issue. It feels similar to some android racings games that run at 60fps. It bothered me at first but i got over it
  2. Who are the fags that voted for shitspot? Seriously. Fucking losers
  3. You are salty because SquareEnix hates Xshit
  4. Final Fantasy is back where it belongs
  5. Um right after that they announced Animal Crossing for 2019. Way to blow your load prematurely
  6. I think Cooke is on drugs. Jesus is everyone in this forum on drugs?
  7. I have loved the past two Tomb Raiders and 2016 Rise of The Tomb Raider was pretty damn good. Not perfect but good. So far Shadow of the Tomb Raider has improved upon the short comings of Rise in both graphics and gameplay. The GS reviewer complained about the input lag and frustrating platforming. They must have played it on a shit tv because I think the imput lag is improved and I have enjoyed the platforming so far. The dungeons are fucking amazing. You fucks need to stop using GS for ownage. They are obviously now a bunch of casual pussies.
  8. The demo is actually pretty good
  9. Hey genius climate change in the past happened over centuries either by the natural cycle of the earth or by catastrophic events. We are literally seeing it happen over a couple of hundred years. Volcanic activity hasn't increased to cause such drastic warming. The sun hasn't gotten closer. So what is the new variable? Humans. Duh. Derp
  10. I didn't make this garbage. I found this on the web. Only a lemtard would make such a stupid meme
  11. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  12. Anyway I am still getting it. Gamespot sucks
  13. According to you 1080p is to low of a resolution for you to play games. So 4k is only 30fps and That's unplayable for a racing game
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