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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 16 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    Once again you make yourself look like an idiot ans then you lash out at other people for it :tom: Just like JenB.


    Next tike dont try to sound smart or make a point to defend Microshit because you ALWAYS get shut down.

    Not my fault you are a moron

  2. 9 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    You name 7 games then try to discredit 3 of them, and you call me dense? :drake:


    So Fallout sucks and Forza got old. You keep saying "I didnt have to pay for them" but thags the point, without GP you wouldnt be playing games you wouldnt otherwise look at, you'd be playing games that you know you will like and enjoy or games thag look really interesting. You're literally only playing games because they exist on Gamepass. I've been there with Netflix and it sucks, watching mediocrity just because it exists on the service. Except with Netflix it's not so bad wasting 90 mins to watch a mediocre movie whereas I couldn't imagine forcing myself through hours and hours of a game just because it exists on the subscription service.


    Looo at the fucking games you list. Forza rehash, forza rehash, hellblade, fallout, halo, halo and plagues tale. Just as Netflix came to rely on its originals to sell the service so too is Shamepass relying on Microsoft for the biggest games because only the service creator is making money off this thing. The problem there is that Microsoft is hands down the worst publisher in the industry with no idea how to make or nuture good games or developers.


    Some of those games you list are yeafs old. Fallout 4 is over 6 years old, Halo MCC over 7 years old. While there's nothing wrong with going back to old games I have to ask if someone hasnt bought one of those games in the numerous sales over the past 6/7 years then how much interest do they really have? Fuck I dont even care for Fallout much but even I bought the GOTY edition for £5 a few years back. I dont thini there are are 2014 games I would want tonplay if I dont own them already from all the sales over the years. Just like slow jonny you're ending up playing games you've never had an interest in.

    Didn't read your wall of nonsense.  You are just plain stupid 

  3. 37 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, that's not going to happen.


    If you actually want to discuss things, then discuss and respond.


    I'm not interested in people turning into pissy bitches, it basically means they can't hold their shit together like an actual adult.

    You need to touch a boob or something. 

  4. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    I bought Forza 3 with all DLC for about $15.


    A Plague Tale was given for free on Epic Games Store


    Hellblade was usually a cheap $6-$8 game on sale.


    Halo Infinite............:drake:I wouldn't pay money for, but if I wanted to play its multiplayer, it would be free until you inevitably realized that it sucks and stop playing.


    MCC was a broken game, and you could buy a European game code for like $10 back in 2017


    I already paid for FO4 back in 2015, and therefore anybody who was already a Fallout fan already paid for the game at some point previously, and therefore giving it to you 5 years later is pretty much meaningless. And even then, I believe I bought it discounted at Greenmangaming, so I didn't pay full price for it. here let me check my email:




    $15 + Free + $8 + :drake: + $10 + $46 = $79


    Or, in other words, about the same price as 5 months of Game Pass Ultimate.


    And I keep them forever, they don't get taken away from me. I don't have to fear that they will be taken off the Game Pass service.


    And I can play them at my own pace.

    Shut the fuck up weirdo

  5. 10 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    You played hours and hours and hours of games you would have never otherwise had an interest in buying, sounds amazing :grimaceleft:


    Whos really the moron? I'll spell it out since you're borderline retarded - it's you.


    God you are fucking dense.  Here is 7 of the games. Forza 4 and 5, A Plague Tale, Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice, Halo Infinite, Halo Master Chief Collection, and Fall Out 4.  Games I would have never bought but games I ended up loving.  Well Fall out 4 blows, and I eventually got bored of the Forza games eventhough they are great, but I didn't jave to spend 60 or 70 bucks on them. So fuck off dip shit.  

  6. 50 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    Ghostz is fucking retarded. I'd say he's shilling but this knucklehead has shown has he really is dumb enough to drink the corporate kool-aid.


    While its true that digital ownership is just a license, its still a fucking world away from Gamepass. You have a choice of thousands and thousands of gakes on Steam, games that have been there since the mid 2000s for the most part. Any that were removed but you bought you can still play. You can go replay any game from the history of steam that you purchased. The consumer has all the choice and the devs make money thats why the games are there.


    Shamepass is like Netflix in that you have a tiny, tiny selection and its changing all the time. Maybe you enjoyed the Arkham games and want to go replay them, well tough because their deal expired and they're pulled from the service. Maybe theres some great AAA games just released and you want to play them, nope because the publishers isnt desperate enough to take a Gamepass deal in the same way you never saw blockbuster movies on Netflix. You get whatever low budget trash they had deals for. Just like with netflix you end up watching shit you would never otherwise watch, the comments and experiences from Gamepass users on here prove without a doubt that people will play shit just because its part of their limited choice on their Gamepass sub.


    You might pay more without GP but I'd rather pay more and have a selection of thousands and thousands of games to chose from retro classics, to old personal favourites, to the latest blockbusters, rather than being stuck with whatever Microsoft made a deal for oh lool its their own games which are notoriously shit and a lot of low budget filler and straight to Gamepass flops.


    Subscription services are for the cheap and casual. No gamer of taste would ever bother with Gamepass.

    Dude shit the fuck up.  In the first year of having it I have beaten over 600 dollars worth of games.  Most of them I would have never bought.  It's a great fucking deal.  You are a fucking moron.  

  7. 20 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Most girls aren’t going to initiate the touching. If that’s what you’re waiting for then you likely have lost her and she’s going to move on soon.

    This is like the blind leading the blind.  You don't know shit.  You have never even touched a boob.  

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