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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 48 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    For something that is a 1080p reconstruction, it looks really good when you zoom in on things with a 4K television.


    I flew to a building that had a whole line of pillars, that are each shaped like a vase, and as I got up close to it, there is no polygonal angles to this, its just super smooth curves.


    Look at the top of the fence, the way the wires are tied around each other. They're not repeating patterns.

    When I first walked by a fense I was like wtf no way?   I literally spent at least 30 min inspecting it and there was not a single repeating anything. All unique in it's imperfections like a real fucking fense.    

  2. 19 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Yeah, it has the same odd things as with other Unreal 5 demos.


    The characters move a little stiff, the physics are a bit stiff and a little hollow.


    But its pretty amazing. The Spiderman games also have real-time reflections, and they have larger windows on buildings to allow those reflections to be easily seen.


    But this Matrix demo had real-time reflections on the automobiles that looked pretty damn close to what I see with Cyberpunk on my PC with everything cranked up.


    For the PS5 to handle that is pretty cool. And when you are high up in the air and look down to the streets, they do a great job of still keeping all the cars and most of the pedestrians in view. Those images look like genuine photos.

    Why do you always complain about everything?  Nothing is good unless it's some Pokemon trash.  Stfu

  3. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Im surprised these games are still being made. I don't think i've played one since the demo of 2.

    They are average at best but a lot of fun.  Each level is like a sandbox and you can go about your objectives as you please.   

  4. 6 hours ago, kaz said:

    I don't see the reason to give them human expressions like that. creepy as fuck. just make em robot-like and make the distinction between robot and human very clear so we don't end up like in the movie A.I. 😩

    I want androids.  I want humans to get fucked.  

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