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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 19 hours ago, B C said:

    IGN campaign - 70




    this campaign separate review bullshit has to be one of the most sleazy things to come out these sites in a long time. This way they can lambast the shit campaign and slap a 7.0 on it, but go ahead and 8.0 or 9.0 the MP to save their ad dollars and preferential treatment /promo deals with activision.


    Absolute devious scum.


    this game isn't worth anyone's time or money and we all know it.

    They do this because many, many people buy CoD for just the multiplayer and never touch the campaign and vice versa.  I actually like that.  I used to only buy COD for the campaign and when that turned to shit I just bought it for the multiplayer.  Now it's just shit.  Quit crying all of the time. 

    • NPC 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Cooke said:

    I just got invited to the Diablo immortal closed beta. So far it's quite good, but playing on a phone is so fucking shitty. A Switch release would be excellent.


    Also I can tell this is geared towards Asian markets. There's literally 2 white options for characters and 10 Asian and South Asian. Black has more representation than white too. RACIST BLIZZARD. Lol. Each hero can be either male or female which is great, and then you get 3 ethnicities for each.

    Oh no Cookie finally realized he is an inferior minority

  3. 1 hour ago, Saucer said:


    Did you even finish high school? He faces the possibility of criminal charges, he's almost certainly going to face civil charges, and he also has to defend himself in the court of public opinion. And in the face of that, his first impulse when answering public questions is to blatantly lie about how well the set was run. That's not even sociopathic. It's so low-functioning that it's psychopathic. 

    But no surprise that trash like you defends trash like him. 



    You are an idiot

  4. 20 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    “Thieves” oh fucking please.


    Fuck these crooks. $50 for n64 roms, $50 per controller, not to mention most of us have bought these before. People bought mario kart on the n64, the wii virtual console, paid to “upgrade” to the wii u virtual console version and now Crooktendo wants them to pay a fourth fucking time. Even Microsoft, even fucking MICROSOFT one of the greediest corporations on Earth lets you play your old games because unlike Nintendo they had the foresight to make a competent online network.


    They charged the most out of anyone for the old ports back in the wii days and you know what? Mario Kart 64 on the Wii was a fucking broken unplayable port. Absolute dogshit but no refunds for a broken game after charging you £10 for a broken old rom dump.


    Now to top it off they want you to pay a premium subscription to play games you’ve bought from them at least 3 fucking times already. Except they can’t even get that right because input lag, and once again for the third time they trickle the games out in slow release waves.


    The only thieves here are Nintendo themselves. Fuck them, I’ll steal everything from them. I got retropie and I’ve loaded it with old Nintendo games and you know what? I’m not sat there waiting on games to be released, waiting and praying Nintendo will finally put out the one I want even though they own the damn game and could release it at any point. I also have the obscure shit that will never be put out on their console. Fuck them I’m done paying Nintendo for old games. You don’t own these either so they’ll want you to pay again next-gen, and they wonder why people thrn to online roms. I bought a lot of segas games on steam because sega understands value better.

    That's a wall of text trying to justify piracy.  

  5. 7 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Sounds pretty solid, the one thing I appreciate about Microsoft's PC initiative is the scalability of their games. Given how hard it is to come by computer hardware right now it's nice to know that people with systems that are even 6 to 7 years old can enjoy a game like this without a worry.

    Shit game.  FlopBox garbage


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