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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. On 2021-09-01 at 6:56 PM, DynamiteCop said:

     You're deriding the logic that this excessive heat is somehow being wicked away therefore high heat output means high heat dissipation, that's anything but the case.


    It's merely displacing a constant flow of continually generated excessive heat. If it were cooling better the system temperature would fall to a lower threshold therefore the exhaust would as well.


    Don't type another word, you're a functioning idiot.

    You are a fucking moron.  You cannot claim that the components are hotter by just measuring exhaust temperatures.  The exhaust temp went up in my pc when I upgraded the cooling system.  Why?????? Because it was more effecient at pulling out the heat.  You have to measure the temps of the chips to come to the conclusion that they are hotter.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

    I don't entirely agree, hotter air leaving the console can also and in most cases does indicate inadequate cooling which results in an overall higher system temperature i.e. warmer air exhausting.


    More effective cooling generally results in cooler exhaust temperatures as it has lowered the overall system temperature.



    Cooler air leaving the console does not mean better cooling.  You truly are fucking retarded.  If that were the case my Series X would have had a meltdown.  Have you felt how hot that air is?  Hot air means it is doing it's job getting the heat out.  I think you have a fucking malfunctioning brain or just like to say stupid shit.  

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  3. 9 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    So instead of using two perfectly fine operating systems you decided it was a better decision to downgrade to something that has no security protocols anymore and all of your information is at severe risk. Rocket scientists up in here.

    I have plenty of protection set up.  I am not a fucking half retard like most hermslobs.  

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