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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. I wish Jared Goff was still with the rams. Stafford is a huge improvement. They finally have someone that can throw an accurate out pass on time.
  2. Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that the Niners won't have a better record than Rapistburger and the Steelers.
  3. Who is your team and what is the prediction of your teams success. 49ers 13-4 Superbowl.
  4. You are a fucking moron. You cannot claim that the components are hotter by just measuring exhaust temperatures. The exhaust temp went up in my pc when I upgraded the cooling system. Why?????? Because it was more effecient at pulling out the heat. You have to measure the temps of the chips to come to the conclusion that they are hotter.
  5. https://www.sfgate.com/hawaii/article/Chloe-Mrozak-fake-COVID-card-Maderna-Hawaii-16428293.php?IPID=SFGate-HP-CP-Spotlight
  6. Cooler air leaving the console does not mean better cooling. You truly are fucking retarded. If that were the case my Series X would have had a meltdown. Have you felt how hot that air is? Hot air means it is doing it's job getting the heat out. I think you have a fucking malfunctioning brain or just like to say stupid shit.
  7. I have plenty of protection set up. I am not a fucking half retard like most hermslobs.
  8. So changing the heatsink is a "major downgrade" to you? Idiot.
  9. Win 10 is awful. I suspect 11 will be much the same. Downgraded to the last good windows (7).
  10. Oh you mean midterms? Midterms usually flip parties. Now more so because of all of the voter suppression Republicunts are doing. Fucking traitors.
  11. Begji getting all bent out of shape for nothing is hilarious
  12. None of them. They are all fucking traitors. Fuck them all and I hope they all fucking get eaten alive by a tiger.
  13. It has nothing to do with the system's hardware. This game is doing nothing difficult for even a phone from 2015. The developer is just shit.
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