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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Im not going to waste my time listing the dozens of things Trump did to protect and improve the lives of middle class Americans. Theres a reason he was cruising for re-election before Covid hit, everyone (Republican and Democrat) could agree to that.


    Like every other liberal you are doing nothing but gaslighting to deflect from Biden's disastrous start.

    You are delusional.  Trump continued the same trickle down economics that every Republicunt president pushes.  Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations does not work and never will work.  

  2. On 2021-07-09 at 12:07 PM, Twinblade said:

    You do know calling people out by name is against the rules right? But regardless, there is nothing good about ANY lawyer having their career crippled simply because of their connection to Trump and his opinion regarding the election outcome. This is some of the strongest evidence i've seen of the terrifying direction the country is heading in. Obey and don't even think of disagreeing or you're fucked.


    We should all be worried regardless of political affiliations.

    You are an idiot. 

  3. 7 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No, those are just regional gas prices.


    I'm literally showing you the national average, and you are literally wrong.


    In your area where you paid $3.56 two days ago.........it would been higher in 2018.


    Little too late to start pretending to play stupid and not know about how gas prices are different depending where you live throughout the country.

    As dumb as Twinktard is you are wrong. 


  4. 14 hours ago, JonbX said:

    They didnt even fix the joy cons broken ass analog sticks

    Nobody has.  You realize all controlers have that issue because the potentiometers are all made the same by just a couple of manufacturers?  Nintendo doesn't make them, Sony doesn't make them, and MS doesn't make them.  Off the shelf parts with about the same operating hours.  300-400 hours.  

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