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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. I don't get it. Trump is the biggest fraud in politics yet Republicans are willing to sacrifice their country and friendships for him. Republicans have no morals. https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/16/lindsey-graham-joe-biden-hunter-call-trump-support?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16291390663219&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2021%2Faug%2F16%2Flindsey-graham-joe-biden-hunter-call-trump-support
  2. You ever watch a show and a character does something embarrassing and you get embarrassed for them? Yeah that's the same feeling I got watching this.
  3. You guys should read the comments praising this. Idk if the comments are sarcasm or not but they are just as cringy.
  4. No, most of the Street Fighter 2 arcade soundtrack is hers. Character select, and new Fighter themes were not hers (Isao Abe) and you can tell. She also did the SNES sound track and champion edition. Also if you go into Capcom's archives Yoko Shimomura is listed as the composer and Isao Abe is listed as contributor.
  5. Well 15 was done by the legendary Yoko Shimomura. Her use of symphony and rock is amazing. And why is she a legend? She has done some of the most memorable compositions in video games history including Street Fighter 2 as one of her earliest sound tracks.
  6. I agree with your assessment. I give it a 7/10 though. No bias at all. I think CoVID has really pushed back things this year so it has been a bit underwhelming. Hey I have a question. What do you think of those mini cube PCs?
  7. Actually it has been established that gold fish have long term memory which Republicans either do not have or overtime repalce memories with whatever fits their bias. Also Twintard is a liar and he knows it, like Fucker Carlson.
  8. That was a pretty good indie event. I won't buy a single one but whatever.
  9. Too busy pumping out games worth playing
  10. Looks lame. Day one never buy
  11. Ok show us the data. You won't or can't because you are full of shit. Currently the daily case rate in the United states is slightly ahead of Mexico's daily case rate. And yes I am in fact taking into account the population difference. How could a country with a case rate the same or slightly lower cause an increase in another country's cases. Also the highest case rates are all in red states and only two border Mexico. Why is it that Arizona and Texas are seeing a rise in case rates way above California and New Mexico? Because they are fucking anti mask, anti vax red retar
  12. No wonder hermslobs Like Begji are always begging for ports.
  13. Twintard is a full blown racist. Why bother arguing with that retard?
  14. Look at all of this micro penis waving. Cooke clearly has the smallest with that weak ass pc.
  15. Is there no shame in your begging?
  16. Does your port begging ever stop? Hermslobs are like Only Fans sluts. Beg beg beg.
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