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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 3 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Oh it's 299 in the US. We get ripped off in Canada. It's 399 and it shouldn't be. The dollar is at 81 cents. 

    Your price includes tax.  In the us the tax is anywhere between 6% to 10%.  There are a few of states with no sales tax though. 

  2. 16 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    The left really is doing everything in their power to make sure Trump doesn't have the opportunity to run for a position of power ever again, this is just disgraceful. The worst part is that they spent millions of tax payer money on this witch hunt eventhough those resources could have been put towards good causes like trying to lower the out of control crime rate in NYC. Crazy Liberals are literally prioritizing their hate for trump over the well being of New Yorkers and their families.

    Blah blah blah.  Trump is a crook, racist, and a rapist.  Trump did nothing but waste money, cry, got 500k plus people killed.  Fuck that murderous shit stain.  I can't wait until he is in prison or dead 

  3. 3 hours ago, Boundless said:

    Sleepy joe Biden shuttering two pipelines is to thank for that, and any Canadian who supported him in any capacity deserves a slap in the head.


    he has made our lives remarkably worse. 

    You are an idiot. The pipeline that was shut down wasn't even built.  Oil prices are going up because Opec is squeezing supply after last years drastic drop.  Derp. 

  4. On 2021-06-29 at 1:12 PM, Twinblade said:


    Gas prices are at a 7 year high and inflation is the highest its been in 13 years..... look them up. If you follow nothing but CNN and MSNBC you might not realize just how damaging Biden has been to the economy and just how much more damage he is going to do.


    Even before Covid I was coming close to filling up my tank with PREMIUM gas for just $30. Now that same amount fills up less than 3/4th of the tank.


    Food has gotten way more expensive as well. I don't bother meticulously tracking my grocery expenses but I know for a fact im spending noticeably more especially on high quality protein.

    You are so dumb and just spew out made up shit.  First of all a President's policy has little to no effect on gas prices except for when Obama opened up U.S. reserves to be used to make up for Opec's squeezing.  Yes thanks Obama or prices would be even higher.  


    We still rely on the supply from Opec and Opec countries have been limiting supply artificially inflating the cost of oil. That has a cascading effect driving up the cost of food and goods.  


    California is the largest producer of food in the country and guess what????  It's in the middle of a brutal drought.  What effect does that have.  Duuuuurrrrrrr it costs more to produce food.  


    Inflation is high right now because of the economy opening back up.  Derp.  


    You really need to get out and not be such a fucking moron.  

  5. 10 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Well let me clear that up


    Diversity is being pushed now because people are finally waking up and seeing that people are being discriminated in the the work force because of race/gender/religion, etc. IF racism and sexism didnt exist (they do) then diversity would be natural because if you are picking the best person for the job that would include much more variety than white male .


    White privilege IS real , ALL people ARE equal but not treated as such, non white complaints about these issues are NOT exaggerated.


    I do feel that some industries are filling out a checkbox , or virtue signaling but this is how people that had a past with racism in the work place FEEL they can fix things.  The people complaining that pushing diversity now is a negative in the sense that they are check boxing probably werent complaining when natural diversity was being skipped over 🤷‍♂️


    All you have to do is go to social media or youtube comments about a racial/gender/sexual issue and see that 99 percent of racism and hate comes from ignorant white dudes 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes we gloss over that because being a white guy you dont deal with it. But imagine if we did? Social media comments have made me feel disgusted to be a person sometimes.



    Who are you and what did you do with JonB?

  6. 12 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    Hell no. Winter sucks and is a time waste. Want to leave? Gotta get all dressed just to be Hot AF wherever you’re going, oh wait you can’t bc you have to clean the fucking snow off your car. Want to see a babe? Have fun with guessing her body with 8 layers on. 

    no good story starts with “it was the dead of winter” 



    Winter blows

    But you don't go anywhere so what does it matter? 🤔

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