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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    They used the SUBJECTS in the pictures that were created by entirely different people. I don't see how she has a claim to that type of content. In most cases Capcom didn't copy the actual composition of the photo, lighting conditions, etc.

    Well I guess every fucking photographer who copywrited a picture of interesting paterns in the road has to give up their copywrite?  There are literally famous pictures of roads that are fucking copywrited.  You can't use them to advertise, sell, or take artistically as yours because they belong to the photographer.  Holly shit 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:




    are you trolling?  You can't take someone else's work and then profit off of it without their permission. 

    He has to be trolling.  How does he not understand that you can copywrite pictures you take?  And she published them 9 years which adds further protections.  And it's not like she published them a year before or the same year.  She published them 9 fucking years before RE 4 and even longer with the other games.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    She literally just took pictures of existing surfaces and pieces of artwork created by other people. I don't see how Capcom is in the wrong for using them for their games. If they are, then she is also in the wrong for selling a collection of other people's work.

    Actually she took pictures of textures all over the world and had them copyrighted.  That's an actual thing.  Then Capcom took them from her collection and used them without her permission.  Seriously do you not know that is an actual profession?  Where do you think developers get those textures???  They have to pay for them or get them from a program that either has them licensed or they had to actually get off their ass and take the pictures themselves.  I know you don't leave the basement much but holly shit dude.  

  4. 15 minutes ago, Vini said:


    Great now you're making everyone else uncomfortable for seeing nail polish on a dude


    I don't see how this is different from putting on lipstick or blush or high heels and then calling men fragile for reacting negatively to it. 


    What nobody cares about is how nails look on a dude as long as they're cut


    What? Are you dense?  Twinblade has a condition on his nails he feels uncomfortable about and has thought about putting on nail polish.  And guys fucking wear make up all of the fucking time.  Do you live under a fucking rock?  Do you also get upset about guys growing their hair out long?  Or wearing platforms?  Or wearing earrings?   Idiot.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I almost did it once only because I was self conscious of my psoriatic nails and wanted to hide them.

    Just paint them black, seriously nobody cares.  If you feel uncomfortable about your nails do it.  

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