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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 15 minutes ago, Vini said:


    Great now you're making everyone else uncomfortable for seeing nail polish on a dude


    I don't see how this is different from putting on lipstick or blush or high heels and then calling men fragile for reacting negatively to it. 


    What nobody cares about is how nails look on a dude as long as they're cut


    What? Are you dense?  Twinblade has a condition on his nails he feels uncomfortable about and has thought about putting on nail polish.  And guys fucking wear make up all of the fucking time.  Do you live under a fucking rock?  Do you also get upset about guys growing their hair out long?  Or wearing platforms?  Or wearing earrings?   Idiot.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I almost did it once only because I was self conscious of my psoriatic nails and wanted to hide them.

    Just paint them black, seriously nobody cares.  If you feel uncomfortable about your nails do it.  

  3. It is believed to be suicide.  She has suffered with mental illness her whole life.  It's so heartbreaking when someone suffered so much in their head that they could no longer go on.  She called me yesterday and I missed her call, I called her back and got no answer.  Then she texted me with "help".  I called her again and no answer.  Damnit!

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