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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 2 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Lmfao, ignorant ass Sheep get it's first open world experience, one of the most popular genre on the market before BOTW was even a thing. Yet he think it's a concept invented by Nintendo in 2017. :rofl:

    Your mom is an open world

    • Haha 2
  2. 14 hours ago, kaz said:

    ^^ don't take lostfool seriously, he just says the opposite of everyones opinion just for the sake of it.  I love him but don't encourage him.  :biggrin:

    Um no.... RE Village is the best Resident Evil.  I am actually playing through it again,  I've only done that with one other RE game and that is 4.  

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ike said:

    I know that question is rhetorical and they don’t want to implicate and enrage their own voting base. But seriously, this is fucking pathetic that these two would put party over country. Such total pieces of shit. 

    It's sad that Republicans are constantly making up their own rules and nobody holds them accountable.  Remeber when Republicans made up a rule that Obama wasn't allowed to select a Supreme Court Justice because it was an election year but when it was Trump's turn he got to choose two?  


    Republicans know they can't win elections without rigging the system and know they can't push their agenda without rigging the Supreme court.  Now they have this rule about this commission that Trump has to approve it.  Wtf?  


    Of course Republitards like Dinoshit, Twink, and Bottom Boy Cooke support this bullshit because they are all racists.  

  4. 4 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    This whole thing has been a clown show since the beginning, I got my vaccinations and now I don't really give a f*** about anything. Suck my dick Joe Biden.

    You are a clown show.  

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