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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 6 hours ago, Cooke said:

    The "right type and wrong type of people" 


    I don't like we can't handle diversity of thoughts and opinions anymore. 


    Posting the ban reasons doesn't mean shit if we can't see the content. 


    Its probably the most micro of nanoagressions. 

    Racism is not okay.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Ramza said:

    For something that is supposed to kill full retail/digital games in the next two years (according to Vini), it's pretty pathetic indeed. :D


    Otherwise it's good but hardly something so exceptional it shakes the foundation of the market. It's like a revenue of 300m per month, it's a fraction of what the worldwide market represents in traditional games sales.

    It's not designed to kill full retail.  It's supplamenental.  Not everyone can afford to buy every game just like not everyone can afford to go see or buy every movie so you have a service that supplaments that.  

  3. 15 hours ago, Twinblade said:





    uhh are you living in some kind of alternate dimension? Republicans are being censored and cancelled all over the web for having differing opinions....the cluelessness in your post is astounding.


    Consequences for their actions since they can't seem to police themselves.  Al Franken took a picture with a female soldier that was in bad taste and he resigned at the request of his leadership.  You have Majorie Taylor Bitch running aroung being a racist bitch and Matt Gaetz sex trafficking and they still have jobs.  



  4. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Cities would have been burned to the ground and more people would have died if he was found not guilty, especially when you have degenerates like Maxine Waters inciting violence. The trial was never going to be a fair one.

    Shut the fuck up.  Democrats are always told to comply and be quiet while Republicans can say whatever they want.  Democrats are no longer going to be quiet and comply.  Fuck Republicans!!! 

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