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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Yeah that's what I remind myself. Once someone decides they can no longer go on there is nothing you can do. All you will do is delay the inevitable.
  2. It is believed to be suicide. She has suffered with mental illness her whole life. It's so heartbreaking when someone suffered so much in their head that they could no longer go on. She called me yesterday and I missed her call, I called her back and got no answer. Then she texted me with "help". I called her again and no answer. Damnit!
  3. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Remains-of-215-Indigenous-children-discovered-at-16210435.php
  4. It's shit, of course you want to play it. Shit for brains.
  5. Every govt in the world recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign country except for the Chinese govt. Fuck the Chinese govt. I guarantee Chinese people didn't get offended only the govt and those sucking its dick
  6. Oh it will be much better than the Shitbox Series X because it actually will have games.
  7. "Just wait" MS will have games and "dat cliff" is coming fot the Switch.
  8. No it isn't. There is a colder colour on the PS5 and that's it.
  9. I want this movie to be good just so Twinshit and Dynotard can suck it. Fucking fat slobs.
  10. The stock market is a sham. I hope someone hacks the shit out of it and everyone loses their money. I will laugh my ass off watching all of those shitards cry
  11. Dinotard is butthurt thst the Xbox sucks and nobody bought one. I wonder when he will finally leave his mom's basement?
  12. Um no.... RE Village is the best Resident Evil. I am actually playing through it again, I've only done that with one other RE game and that is 4.
  13. Best RE ever. Haters are weak losers
  14. None. I am not a lazy slob.
  15. Timespliters was decent for it's time. Nobody really cares about it anymore.
  16. Now you post a link. I wonder if he had any collagen type of disease like Marfan's syndrome.
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