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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. 30 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    That's not how this works, people need to stop posting things that are unsubstantiated, cannot be verified and then through total delusion treat said statements as a fact of reality.

    The irony here is lost on you, isn't it?  You are the #1 poster of fake news. Wethere it's about video games or Trumprapistracist related.  Just face it.  The ShitBox has no games now or until the middle of the gen.

  2. 8 hours ago, SheepKilla said:

    I have a feeling either:


    1) They are covering something up. No way they would shut down an entire vaccine for 6 possible cases. 




    2) They are so incompetent that they shut down a safe vaccine because of 6 people out of millions.


    Either scenario is disturbing.

    Media perception.  The media went hysterical over it so the CDC  had the vaccine paused so people can see that they did something to look into it.  

  3. So I haven't heard from a friend of mine in two weeks.  I just found out that she died in a car accident.  Her boyfriend was beating her up while she was driving and she lost control of the car striking a tree.  Her piece of shit boyfriend survived but is still in series condition.  He is going to be charged with murder.  


    I am do sad and so angry.  I wish he died and not her.  Fuck him. 

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