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Posts posted by lostfool

  1. So I haven't heard from a friend of mine in two weeks.  I just found out that she died in a car accident.  Her boyfriend was beating her up while she was driving and she lost control of the car striking a tree.  Her piece of shit boyfriend survived but is still in series condition.  He is going to be charged with murder.  


    I am do sad and so angry.  I wish he died and not her.  Fuck him. 

    • Sad 5
  2. 3 hours ago, kaz said:



    you both missing the point, this vaccine had side effects day one and it also had severe ones resulting in death. Some people died from meningitis etc and they acknowledged it. 


    this one has been put on hold for us as far as I know. 

    The Johnson and Johnson vaccine has had the fewest reported side effects.  So shoosh

  3. 53 minutes ago, kaz said:

    one of my friends got the astrazeneca vaccine a week ago and the next day he had a fever and after that he had pain in his limbs :scared:   but now hes doing fine. 


    that one is definitely not save and people already stopped giving the vaccine until they figure out more. 

    That's actually all normal.  Your immune system is reacting to the vaccine and so you get some of the symptoms but you are not actually "sick".  I got a sore throat, headache, and chills.  All that lasted for about 6 hours.  

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