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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Shit, failure, nobody is buying it or games for it.
  2. Series X/S is a failure. Nobody is buying that shit of a console.
  3. It's common with boomers. Also it's a white people thing.
  4. This thread sucks almost as much at Twinkieshit's life
  5. Cheese burgers is what fat ass Lemmings live off of. They are going to starve and die
  6. So Dynotard and Twinkie take it in the ass once again. These two knuckle heads shoukd just go back to sucking on their mom's teet. Fucking dumbasses..
  7. That he did on the rich and corporations. Amazon last year got a 129 million dollar rebate check. My personal taxes went up by 2%.
  8. Bitch ass SNOWFLAKE. We will talk about Biden in the main forum and make fun of your dumb ass and your lord Fat Orange Man. Loser
  9. One entire year was spent golfing. Facts. Also you are fucking stupid as fuck.
  10. You are so fucking stupid. You should just drive off a cliff.
  11. Fact: Twinblade has no friends and his family hates him.
  12. https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Nancy-Pelosi-stolen-laptop-sold-to-Russians-15879325.php?IPID=SFGate-HP-CP-Spotlight
  13. Who the fuck made that tweeker kokujin a mod?
  14. Stop with the race shit. Unfortunately Dynotard is right for the first time ever. Mexican is a nationality not a race. For examole British and French. Those are nationalilies and not a race. Their race is white. And yes of course there are several other races that are French or British but they are predominantly white. Another example is African. African is a nationality their race is black or white.
  15. Hahahaha. 'If you can't do the time don't do the crime'. That's whst these MAGA idiots say to minorities who get unjust sentences. These MGA idiots got what they deserve.
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