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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Fuck you and your threats to ban people. You should be banned. Shit mod
  2. Because only neckbeards licing in mom's basement buy that trash. So only Deenoshit bought it.
  3. I think all of those involved in this and who support Trump and these traitors should lose their citizenship and be deported to the Sahara desert left to die
  4. Well he has probably paid some of that down with the election fraud fund because it's definitely not foing towards good lawers.
  5. Except for the millions he illegally funneled over seas.
  6. This is a good move on Nintendos' part.
  7. Dynoshit is literally the stupidest person in System Wars. He reminds me of Hitman.
  8. Shut the fuck up. Xbox has no games and for the foreseeable future will not have games.
  9. Android's market share is over 70%. Of course there is going to be a wage disparity. I was using your dumb logic against you and you took the bait. Congratulations you are an idiot.
  10. MAGA is just a bunch of inbred retards that think authoritarianism is good.
  11. No, and even poor people have iphones. It's literally a phone for stupid people
  12. Ted Cruz is such a pussy. Trump disparaged his wife and Cruz just licks Trump's taint. What a week man Cruz is.
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