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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. I don't think Cooke has ever said anything negative against people from the middle east. He has only talked shit about Muslim extremisms.
  2. God damn cooke is as dumb as a box of rocks
  3. Anybody who picks anything other than GTA V should be banned for a week
  4. You are so fucking stupid. Just go away idiot https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/17/instagram-posts/austrian-politician-goofed-testing-coca-cola-sampl/
  5. Of course he believes that. He hasn't left his mom's basement in 15 years. He has no idea what's going on. His view of the world is through Alex Jones and Faux News.
  6. Nearly 8 million votes is a landslide. Also 73 million people are complete morons just like yourself
  7. I've never had my home invaded but if my home was invaded I am very capable of handling it without a gun.
  8. People who need guns for defense are pussies
  9. Well you are a lemming. Your standards are bottom of the barrel.
  10. You are such a twit. Under Obama unemployment dropped by 1.3 percentage points. Under Trump by just .7 percentage points. That's one for Obama (and remember Obama inherited "The Great Recession"). Trump inherited a booming job growth and economy. GDP growth Obama was at 2.4% and remember he inherited the great Recession and trump wast at 2.5%. Remember Trump inherited a booming economy. So you guess you can give that to your lover Trump. Deficit...... Hahahahahaabhaha. It balloned under Trump by 10 trillion dollars. Obama wins this by a landslide. S
  11. Update. They are pulling the plug on her tomorrow. They are starting her with a morphine drip tonight to ruduce her discomfort.
  12. Sometimes life takes good people too early and soon an ex of mine who was amazing will lose her battle with COVID. In just under six days she went from a vibrant, smart, beautiful woman to a coma, on dialysis, and hourly blood transfusions. She is the world to her kids and her oldest is special needs whom his mom is his best friend. I can't imagine what he is going through right now. She texted me a couple of weeks ago saying she was going to a birthday party. I told her not to go because that's how people get sick. She assured me she would be carefu
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