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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Set up a parlimentary system like every other smart country.
  2. Probably. Trump actually gained about 1k from Pinal county
  3. Biden's lead just increased by 10k in Nevada. The votes left are coming in from Clark county which is very Democratic. Nevada belongs to Biden.
  4. And most of the votes left are from Maricopo county which is very Democratic
  5. Arizona elected Democrats for both of their senate seats and they will vote for Biden so Arizona is now very blue.
  6. There are only about 300 thousand military personnel stationed overseas. I doubt their balots would swing votes in any meaningful way. Now there about 112k active military personnel that are from NC but how many of those are over seas?
  7. And? The Atorney General in Nevada already said they have already successfully beat back three attempts by Republicunts. I know you support voter suppression and are a traitor.
  8. Nevada and Arizona will be given to Biden tonight. Tomorrow he will get Pennsylvania and maybe Georgia. Trump will throw a huge temper tantrum and give himself a heart attack.
  9. Oh really? Post them. Also your sources cannot come from right wing propaganda sites.
  10. A professional what? It's a shitty job that's done every two years. Dumbo
  11. He actually wants only votes counted before midnight to count.
  12. Wishful thinking. There is about 2 million absentee ballots still needing to be counted and Joe Biden is currently getting 78% of the 800k already counted. This is why Trump is trying to get the counting stopped. If the trend continues Biden will flip the state. Just this morning Trump was up nearly 500k votes. That lead has since been cut in half with 2 million still needing to be counted.
  13. If you want to expand the storage that you can play games off of you have to buy a proprietary SSD that costs 219 dollars.
  14. Hey fuck face I got a 256 gb sd card for 40 dollars and also Switch games aren't 100gb+. Fucking retard
  15. Omg if true hahahahahahahahahahaha. Complete shit. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-xbox-series-s-ssd-may-only-offer-364gb-for-game-installs/
  16. I only used it for streaming purposes until I got a smart TV. Such a shit system.
  17. They are using the same shitastic analog sticks that were in the Dual shock 4
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