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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Like 50 units in Japan, 1 thousand units in Germany, 2 thousand units in the Uk
  2. Only if you get banned too. You are just salty because he triggers you
  3. Nah unless they are racist hate mongers. Also if they kill spiders and are mean to animals in general.
  4. It looks so awful. I downloaded the Switch demo and OMG it looks like absolute shit. I figured lazy port I will check it out on X. No improvement. It's like this game was made by interns who hate their job.
  5. I speculate that you have a micropenis.
  6. You are an idiot and also what are you worried about? The U.S. pollutes the ocean far more than Japan does. I don't see you throwing a fit about it.
  7. Jenny proves he is a shit gamer
  8. Those are rare and I've never experienced a glitch with Odyssey. Now everyone is experiencing a game breaking glitch with Gears 5. Shit game, shit developer, shit system.
  9. I hated your mom so hard last night.
  10. Gears sucks, Xbox sucks, and your life sucks
  11. The only joke I see is Trump and the Republicunt party
  12. I wish I would have met my grandpa. He was a decorated war hero but died at a young age due to an aneurysm 😢
  13. The rape of Jenny and lemshits in this thread is legendary
  14. Besides the fact that Jenny is white and a cry baby I was actually talking about the Youtube bitch. Now piss off
  15. A stupid white wanker. What's new? White people are crying pussies
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