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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Sweet another masterpiece. As for Xshit and lemtards
  2. You are the one getting raped on a daily basis by your choice of console
  3. Lmao this game is better than anything that has ever touched an Xbox console. Lemshits are fucking losing it
  4. It's 30fps more than any Xbox exclusive
  5. DQ11 definitive edition should be considered exclusive since it has tons more content and is exclusive to Switch
  6. This was so amazing. When I first heard it
  7. I finished the demo with no issues. So no, it is not crashing on everyone. Idiot
  8. Haha they listened to Dynoshit and Jenny jerking off to Sea of Shit
  9. Game on PS4 only has MIDI music. It is fully ochestrated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Ochestrated on Switch/PC while PS4 gets electronic music. Also the game is much, much longer and has 2d mode with 8bit music. Be jealous. It's the definitive edition on Switch while everyone else gets bread crumbs.
  10. Damn the Xbox one is now a bigger flop than Deeno's sex life
  11. Mostly docked but when my bitch wants to use the tv then I play portable
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