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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. That's not a nice thing to say about yourself
  2. I literally had a chick I was on a date with tell me that people who can't afford Apple products settle for ghetto android. I told her that people who can barely figure out how to open their front door use Apple products because they are too stupid and need their hand held to get through life. Needless to say there was no second date.
  3. No way that's possible. It would be way too hot and way too loud.
  4. Jenny got raped. Also where were the rednecks that think they can stop a shooter with their guns? It seems like when there is somebody shooting up places there are no rednecks around with a gun. Also I am aware that this is a different situation. Ann nnd Jenny is dumb
  5. So what you are saying she is out of your league? Gotcha. Loser
  6. My favourite colour is Purple
  7. I have their lowest level account. It's like 14 dollars a year
  8. Yeah no shit. If it was in working condition it would be 225. They give you shit for Xbox One X 😂
  9. GameStop took my defective Switch for a trade in of 175.
  10. Nah. The two left are good for a few chuckles
  11. Jerry Jones is the Cowboy's problem. He should fire himself
  12. Um I have never said that. Maybe long ago when my kids where small but they are all over 18 now
  13. Actually I baby my systems. So no, I do not abuse it. I still have the OG red ring of death 360 in perfect working condition.
  14. Fuck. I have to send it in. 117 dollars to repair it. I am just going to buy a used one at GameStop.
  15. Mine crashes every 5 minutes and it is out of warranty
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