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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. Nobody is buying the 10 and the huge decline in iphone sales this year prove it. People only buy iphones because they are too stupid to figure how to use Android.
  2. All this tells us is how massively overpriced Apple products are.
  3. There are no concessions. It has the 2d version included, longer quest with individual quests andThey even included the orchestrated music and it sounds amazing.
  4. So far you guys have posted shit
  5. Faux News is shit and so are their viewers
  6. Guns in the hands of racists is the problem you fucking idiot.
  7. I would stick my dick in her butthole
  8. I haven't seen any "serious issues". Deeno is right, sometimes DF is hyperbolic.
  9. Idk, I don't think so as long as they price it competitively and at least get 3rd party timed exclusives it should sell well.
  10. Shut the fuck up you stupid retard
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