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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. 5.5 inch 720p screen, no detachable controller, no TV connectivity, no rumble, and a new more efficient processor. https://www.cnet.com/news/nintendo-switch-lite-arrives-for-200-and-here-is-how-it-plays/
  2. I got it on X and it blows. Nothing the game is doing pushes the Switch. The port is just awful
  3. My cat bothers them. Fortunately she has never pinned them down. She just likes to stick her head in their strong web. I really have an admiration for black widows, they carry a potent venom but they really are very docile. If I feel that they are in an area that my dog may accidentally step on one I relocate the spider.
  4. Maybe teach your dogs not to bother them.
  5. I only kill mosquitos, cockroaches, fleas, and flys. Everything else lives especially spiders. My garage is literally overrun with black widows. I like them because they kill so many bugs I would rather not make it into the house.
  6. Only perverts such as yourself get excited for this.
  7. Well at least you got laid unlike boy wonder Deeno. Dude is a virgin for life, Needs deep fake shit so he can see the titties of the girls he is stalking.
  8. That is the most limp dick attempt at trying to own me. Obviously you are one of the losers that needs this shit. Pervert
  9. Anybody who uses this shit is a fucking loser.
  10. I can do it but I am not going to because I only do things for nice people.
  11. Jimbo is gonna eat you
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