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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Gee

  1. Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

    lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

    I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

    got dayum.

    its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

    just saying the bosses were all pretty easy compared to some of the gauntlets youll face later on, if hades is really hard thats not a good sign :ben:

    the final form of the final boss on hard... :ben:

    so youre saying i should do it on normal then do a replay on hard? :smug:
  2. Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

    lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

    I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

    got dayum.

    its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

  3. The combat is much improved. And playing the game on normal is for pussies, sorry. The game is so much better on hard. Real challenging + adds length. :happysad:

    Took me an hour and half to get the the 2nd level on HARD and only 36 minutes on Normal. :smug:

    So a typical gamer should reach the second level in 50 mins on hard? About an hour is right. I think the game still counts time when the game is paused.

    Its just more fun overall, Normal seemed way too easy from what I played.

    And kills feel more satisfying on Hard. Anyone who beat GOW 1 + 2 recently should play on Hard.

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