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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Gee

  1. All the sheep went to bed Its past their 7:00pm bedtime curfew
  2. Cows prefer sluggish, boring "touch sensetive" action over fast paced, fluid action with mid level depth.... Such horrible taste in games :shakes:
  3. In all honesty, SC rapes every fighter. yes it does, fuck you if you disagree.
  4. i'm off to play some GOTY of War on the best console ever made bhytre, eva, georgie
  5. , more like 28 pages of sheep and cows joining forces trying to own a couple lemmons.B)B)B) sheep had to join forces with cows inorder to feel like they're actually part of SW because they have no fighters PSWii
  6. Just for fun, i don't claim it as being a real fighter like lemkids with DOA So you admit sheep have no fighters then:D ? Us lemGods atleast have Virtua Fighter It's a fighter, but atleast bhytre is honest about him rather playing other fighters. Because he has no choice, sheepies have nothing 2007 wii line-up :D:puke::killzone:
  7. Just for fun, i don't claim it as being a real fighter like lemkids with DOA So you admit sheep have no fighters then:D ? Us lemGods atleast have Virtua Fighter
  8. Not possible sheepie The damage control gates closed a few pages back lemkid It seems that sheep have to team up with cows in order to take on us lemGods.... seeing as they have no real fighters lmfao SSB
  9. Eva, I see you slowly turning back into the cow you once were :shakes:
  10. tekken reef that game is so slugish, way too slow
  11. They hate it cuz its exclusive to xbox. If it was on their console it would be loved to death. FACT, the filthy cows have been slaughtered.
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