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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Tujesus

  1. I just read the news story and he wasn't wearing a seat belt darwin wins again
  2. Show us the gamertag of the dude that sent you that. NO, because there are faggots like Poply and Tupac here. Im not making this shit up:| why would I gie a fuck about their GT
  3. good that would show emotional detachment which is something that everyone on this forum should have for ech other unless you're like cookie and jimbo and no each other IRL
  4. I do. If it's true then that fucking sucks; he was just about to go to College and he was a great person. =/ ya it sucks but in reality it doesn't affect anyone on a truly emotional level
  5. does anyone truly care? it's not like you knew him anyways
  6. LoL....they completely misunderstood your point. They thought you meant that no one would buy it. Either way the point is retarded. I haven't seen one cow say they didn't get a PS3 because they can't find one. All the cows that wanted a ps3 got one. Just like alot of sheep didn't get the Wii yet. What dumbass logic this kid has. So the hardcore cows: TALA Puertofail_poop Liquid Pimp (yes this dude is a cow pretending to be a lemming) The Black Mage and a few others don't have pos3, are fakeboying and pass up ample opportunities to buy POS3 They really are not cows. Their
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