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System Warrior
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Everything posted by JonB

  1. Did you forget we are talking about scalpers or are you dumb ?
  2. Oh yeah that one was the only one like that that I saw. Basically the flip card memory game .
  3. I dont remeber that one is it the one where you have to move the 4 statues ? I liked all of the puzzles up until the aphrodite room . After that they get much longer and annoying, but I typically don't like puzzles.
  4. Ms doesn't need sony to be successful. Ms first party games won't be on ps5 .
  5. I can see Nintendo. Sony won't play nice and MS won't want to give them 30 percent . Putting GP on Ps5 hurts MS more than it helps. It's basically just a dream at this point for delusional cows that can no longer play Bethesda games.
  6. Absolutely . Sony has a contract for 2 games timed exclusives. That'll stay . Eso....that'll stay , etc . The rest, only on platforms with gamspass. He literally spoke those words . And those words hurt you , badly .
  7. Doesn't get any more clear than that. Obviously they were gonna support existing online games on other platforms
  8. I got tired of the puzzle rooms in immortals and stopped playing. Shame because I really enjoyed the parts that weren't those . I actually enjoyed the puzzles up to a point then they just became a time sink that wasn't any fun . Got to this one room with hundreds of blocks you had to rearrange and ain't nobody got time for that
  9. We will see who's delusional soon enough. Then saying there will be exclusives should be enough but the sheep and cows still tbi k all these games are coming to their platforms 🤣
  10. SF and ES have had nothing real shown about them. Why announce they are exclusive when nothing is even known about them . Especially ES . Who knows how many years away that is . They are probably gonna ease into and wait closer to release so the rabid Sony fans don't break the internet with their tears . Also , you cannot buy a series x or ps5 right now and probably won't be able to until at least June. So what's the point.
  11. You're right . But those games aren't even announced . Those could be some of the future exclusives he spoke on .
  12. Looks nice . Should have shared the same power plant as the new wrx tho.
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