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System Warrior
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Everything posted by JonB

  1. Day one ports would only sell more games . Jimmy wants to make money and he knows how to make money. He doesn't care about his butthurt fanboys and that's good
  2. Everyone's been saying this for years . This is what the cows want . To watch the same movie over and over. The cows basically beg for remakes .
  3. JonB

    Tobias Israel

    Don't need games either I guess
  4. I played the demo on pc and they looked ok
  5. It was written.... But the biggest piece of evidence I have that Abandoned is not a Kojima joint is that Kojima is in talks with Microsoft about publishing his next game, according to a source familiar with the matter. And yes, that statue on Phil Spencer’s shelf was referencing a potential deal with the legendary developer. I cannot confirm if Xbox closed the deal yet, but my understanding is that Kojima is the focus of a Microsoft plan to leverage Japanese talent.
  6. Up to down bud , not left to right
  7. Sorry to hear man . My grandfather passed on valentines day. He was 94. You're lucky you all were allowed to be there. The hospital my pap was at wouldn't let more than 2 people in the room. Losing people sucks
  8. Can someone put a stop to jerry ruining another thread before it starts , please ?
  9. That's just what I'm about to do , like every other normal person . I know jerking off over remij while you spend the day alone is probably the only thing keeping you from killing yourself ...so that's good I guess . Have a good night.
  10. Yeah , cause you're embarrassing. Just trying to let you see that. Go spend time with your family. It will be better for you than this obsessive rehash that you do daily .
  11. No , that's you're a pathetic loser . Why do you do this ?
  12. By telling the truth ? Lol you are such an embarrassment.
  13. Lol at these 2 losers spending Easter hating xbox LOL
  14. This game isn't even coming to Ditch lmao why are they losing their shit over it . Obsessed idiots
  15. Steam sales turn into a backlog of games u won't play
  16. Half the sheep here are lemshits and the other half hide behind ps5 🤣
  17. Having GP doesn't mean u can't buy games . Steam sales aren't even good anymore.
  18. Lol the sheep even attack other sheep for liking xbox . What a bunch of goonies ROFL
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