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System Warrior
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Posts posted by JonB

  1. FF owns

    what do you like about it?

    the story is surprisingly keeping my interest. The characters are all pretty cool, cept Hope, i hate him:mad: The graphics and art style are amazing. I think its easily one of the best looking games out there. Its nice to just look at. Its just fun to play, im digging the combat its pretty good.

    Few beefs.....i wish you had control of other party members. the paradigm shifts are ok, but telling the others ezactly what to do would have been better imo. I fear about 20 hours in, i will start to forget what is going on from the beginning. I am a lemming with ADD afterall.

    If this game is 60 hours +, ......guess ill see how it goes.

    Sound is pretty weak, and they repeat the music too much.

    Like it a lot so far though.

    Also popped ME2 back in:scared: Damn, never thought id be really into 2 RPGs, especially at the same time.

    Hitting up BLur too, its a really fun game.

  2. FF owns

    what do you like about it?

    the story is surprisingly keeping my interest. The characters are all pretty cool, cept Hope, i hate him:mad: The graphics and art style are amazing. I think its easily one of the best looking games out there. Its nice to just look at. Its just fun to play, im digging the combat its pretty good.

    Few beefs.....i wish you had control of other party members. the paradigm shifts are ok, but telling the others ezactly what to do would have been better imo. I fear about 20 hours in, i will start to forget what is going on from the beginning. I am a lemming with ADD afterall.

    If this game is 60 hours +, ......guess ill see how it goes.

    Sound is pretty weak, and they repeat the music too much.

    Like it a lot so far though.

    Also popped ME2 back in:scared: Damn, never thought id be really into 2 RPGs, especially at the same time.

    Hitting up BLur too, its a really fun game.

  3. FF owns

    what do you like about it?

    the story is surprisingly keeping my interest. The characters are all pretty cool, cept Hope, i hate him:mad: The graphics and art style are amazing. I think its easily one of the best looking games out there. Its nice to just look at. Its just fun to play, im digging the combat its pretty good.

    Few beefs.....i wish you had control of other party members. the paradigm shifts are ok, but telling the others ezactly what to do would have been better imo. I fear about 20 hours in, i will start to forget what is going on from the beginning. I am a lemming with ADD afterall.

    If this game is 60 hours +, ......guess ill see how it goes.

    Sound is pretty weak, and they repeat the music too much.

    Like it a lot so far though.

    Also popped ME2 back in:scared: Damn, never thought id be really into 2 RPGs, especially at the same time.

    Hitting up BLur too, its a really fun game.

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