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Posts posted by OperatOr

  1. Actually I think I was 14, so 6 years ago. ( :| )

    post pics of after you got your jaw all fixed up :]

    I'm a dental person, I want to see the results of all the surgery and shit :]

    I've done that plenty of times. :]

    smoothhands wants to see pictures of you and you say no because you've "done that" :|

    snakey I gotta teach you some things about interacting with fine ass ladehs

  2. Am I the only one who finds inhaling smoke, disgusting?:puke:

    Nope, can't even stand being around 2nd hand cigarette smoke. My lungs/face gets itchy, feel like im burning up and my throat swells. Dunno how/why people do it.

    I feel like I want to throw up, plus I have a pretty strong sense of smell, so I try to not hang with smokers.

    God damn you sound like a pussy.

    No, I just have an incredible sense of smell and a weak stomach.

    lmfao harden up mother fucker, damn

    why? theres no advantage to tolerating smoke :|

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