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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. um, there were no fucking witnesses to george zimmermans twat. dude's a huge fucking pussy, and he TRAILED a kid home NUMEROUS times. God knows what the interaction was like. I sure as fuck don't think George said "sorry for following you home. i was just a nosey ass racist person who thought I can do what I want." WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I really fucking hope someone follows YOU HOME, CHASES AFTER YOU, and the second you turn around to defend YOURSELF, he fucking murders you in the chest and a jury of your peers blame you for the attack and we neve
  2. I love the idea that villagers won't talk to you till you're more well known. I wish NPC interacc was more dynamic in games. I enjoy the idea that you don't always know who or what or how things will transpire amongst NPCs. I feel like GTA should of had a 'notoriety system' and gangs and bosses WONT accept you for missions if your thang is too low.
  3. ironically he (jussie) has gotten a lot of publicity for this though. Why do I feel like Empire will be ok? I don't know about his career. Shit worked for trump. This story has been molten lava. So easy to spread. Hot take.
  4. because he's a colosal idiot. He also thinks george zimmerman deserved to murder Trayvon Martin, after following the kid home in his car and giving chase on foot. Then murdering the child because the damn PUSSY can't defend himself when he goes and looks for a fight. Oh, and testimony from the murderer/only survivor was enough. Holly sheesh.
  5. pretty good. I like the state of black america right now. plenty of intelligent self-depric humor right therr. I feel like these men's intelligence is being taken seriously
  6. I really like George Zimerrman followed and killed Trayvon Martin 'cuz he's a fucking pussy. And fat florida racist pig cops gave no fucks and let the super-cop go home after murder. It's a banger.
  7. How did zimm come into contact with Trayvon Martin? Ya big pussy.
  8. Is this why Trayvon Martin deserved to die? Deeno, full.on racisy now. It all makes sense.
  9. Waiting until this racist responds. Never going to let him live this down.
  10. Uhh, Reggie is ugly. And only funny in inadverten ways, bad ones.
  11. I'm watching and listening to my life floating away. I really really need some solid sobriety and luck, coming this Monday. As well as some plumbing challenges tomorrow and sat. I won't drink or smoke a thing if god helps me see some hope out.
  12. Well do both ya whiney asshole and do it now !!
  13. I like the prose lol lmfao I also get it. So perdy, to always gently anchor us with a high as fuck Jimbo. Stop driving strange men around.
  14. mario games with VR? imagine doing a triple jump + star roll + in first person mode? I'd love to see Ninty VR one of their main chains. I don't know/think it HAS to be first person perspective? or, er.... lol.
  15. but it's not neccessary in BOTW because you can just tap tap tap enemies to kill them. Why do some contraption where a rock catapaults itself towards the enemy and you leap up with your leaf brella to then tap on an enemies head once. Show me a youtube vid of all the crazy shit Link can do in BOTW.
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